Rose: Glossary

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A-square: Any edge square which is separated from the nearest corner by one other edge square (see Diagram 1-2).

Anchor: One or more edge pieces which cannot easily be eliminated by the opposition, offering protection against a wipe-out.

B-square: Any edge square which is separated from the nearest corner by two other edge squares (see Diagram 1-2).

Balanced edge: An edge occupied by six adjacent discs of the same color, both corners being vacant.

Blackline: The diagonal running from h1 to a8.

Break a diagonal: Establish a disc on a diagonal controlled by the opponent.

C-square: Any edge square which is adjacent to a corner (see Diagram 1-2).

Control the center: Having discs bunched in the center of the board while the opponent’s discs are on the outside.

Diagonal control: Having a line of several discs of the same color on a diagonal line while the opponent has no discs on the same line.

Even number theory: When there is a region with an even number of empty squares, it is usually better to have your opponent initiate play in the region.

Extract: Flip an interior disc that was valuable for the opponent.

Feeding the opponent: Intentionally giving the opponent options in a region.

Forced move: A move on which a player has only one legal play.

Free move: A move available to only one player which can be deferred until later in the game and which, when taken, does not create any safe responses for the opponent.

Frontier disc: A disc which borders one or more empty squares.

Gain a tempo: To achieve an advantage of timing by deriving one more viable move than the opposition from play within a limited area of the board and thereby in effect transferring to the opposition the burden of initiating play elsewhere.

Hyper even-number theory: A player can force his opponent to initiate play in an even-numbered region if the player does not have access to any of the squares in the region.

Interior disc: A disc which is completely surrounded by other discs.

Interior sweep: A strategy by which one side creates a large number of stable interior discs, usually sacrificing edge discs in the process.

Internal disc: Same as interior disc.

Loud move: A move which creates many new frontier discs.

Main diagonal: One of the two eight-square diagonals running between two corners (see Diagram 6-16).

Pair: Two empty squares such that if a player moves to one of the squares, his opponent will want to play in the other.

Parity: The ability to get the last move in every or almost every region.

Poison disc: A disc which turns what would otherwise be a quiet move into a loud move.

Poisoned move: A potentially quiet move which is a loud move because of a poison disc.

Quiet move: A move which does not create many new frontier discs.

Run out of moves: A position in which the player to move has no safe moves available.

Safe move: A move which does not concede a corner.

Semi-forced move: A move which is forced not by the rules of the game but rather by tactical considerations.

Stable disc: A disc which cannot be flipped no matter what moves are made throughout the rest of the game.

Stoner trap: A sequence of moves forcing the capture of a corner by first controlling a main diagonal with an X-square move, then attacking a corner so that if the oppo- nent defends the corner, he flips the X-square. See Diagram 9-25.

Swindle: A situation where one player gets both moves in a pair because, following the first move into the pair, the opponent does not have a legal move to the other square in the pair.

Tesuji: A good move or sequence of moves that can be used in certain frequently-occurring positions.

Unbalanced edge: An edge occupied by five adjacent discs of the same color, one C-square and both corners being vacant.

Wall: A connected group of frontier discs of the same color.

Wedge: A disc or line of several discs of the same color on an edge which is abutted on both sides by opposition discs, or playing a move which creates a wedge.

Whiteline: The diagonal running from a1 to h8.

Wing: An unbalanced edge.

Wipe-out: A game which ends with all the discs on the board the same color.

X-square: Any edge square which is diagonally adjacent to a corner (see Diagram 1-2).

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